Requirements for applying: Must be AT LEAST 14 years old, AT LEAST TWO WEEKS on the selected server, and no prior bans without consultation with an admin before applying. Refferal Required before applying.
Steam Name:
Steam ID:
What server are you wishing to apply for:
Length of time on selected server:
Have you ever been in trouble on this server (if yes, please explain why):
Position requested:
If someone referred you, put name here:
Why do you want said position:
Why do you think you deserve it (give 3-5 sentences):
Is this your first time visiting our forums?:\
What would you do if someone was constantly RDMing?
What would you do if someone threatened to hack the server?
What would you do if someone was mic spamming?
Can you name at least 2 admins?
What would you do if an innocent kept calling false KOS?
What would you do if a traitor killed another traitor?
Positions of power
1. If someone of the same rank or higher was abusing their power, what would you do?
2.If you felt that someone was banned unfairly by a same rank or higher power, what would you do?
3. What would you do if an equal rank or higher power was breaking the rules?
4. What would you do if someone unbanned a person that you knew broke the rules and should stay banned?
Our Servers:
1. Will you be willing to help popularize other servers?
2. Are there other game modes that you play?
3. How often do you plan on playing on the selected server you chose?
4. What is your availability?
If you are found to be lying, you will be automatically declined.
FYI, an admin telling you to go to the forums does NOT count as a referral.
**** If you are deemed to be eligible for the position you have applied for, you will be required to have a short mic interview with a head admin of the server through TeamSpeak.****
Steam Name:
Steam ID:
What server are you wishing to apply for:
Length of time on selected server:
Have you ever been in trouble on this server (if yes, please explain why):
Position requested:
If someone referred you, put name here:
Why do you want said position:
Why do you think you deserve it (give 3-5 sentences):
Is this your first time visiting our forums?:\
What would you do if someone was constantly RDMing?
What would you do if someone threatened to hack the server?
What would you do if someone was mic spamming?
Can you name at least 2 admins?
What would you do if an innocent kept calling false KOS?
What would you do if a traitor killed another traitor?
Positions of power
1. If someone of the same rank or higher was abusing their power, what would you do?
2.If you felt that someone was banned unfairly by a same rank or higher power, what would you do?
3. What would you do if an equal rank or higher power was breaking the rules?
4. What would you do if someone unbanned a person that you knew broke the rules and should stay banned?
Our Servers:
1. Will you be willing to help popularize other servers?
2. Are there other game modes that you play?
3. How often do you plan on playing on the selected server you chose?
4. What is your availability?
If you are found to be lying, you will be automatically declined.
FYI, an admin telling you to go to the forums does NOT count as a referral.
**** If you are deemed to be eligible for the position you have applied for, you will be required to have a short mic interview with a head admin of the server through TeamSpeak.****