Main rules
1. Do not cheat.
2. Listen to admins directions/rules.
3. Don't tell people that you are/not the traitor.
4. No Hacking, boosting for credits, anythings like this.
5. No RDM
6. Play your role properly, e.g. as detective just walk around not looking for traitors by getting DNA from body's
7. NO Ghosting over Teamspeak/Xfire/Steam/Skype/Ventrillo/ etc.
8. Karma: If your karma falls below 500 You will be kicked.
9. Unknown names and admin impersonation will be banned Permanently with no warnings!
Breaking this rule more then once will result in a permanent ban
10. No spamming or advertising other servers.
11. No RDM, only kill someone if you have enough evidence.
12. Calling people out for no reason and getting them killed because of it when you're an innocent may result in a gag/mute or permaban.
13. Throwing random grenades is a traitorous act, and it isn't considered RDM if you're killed for it.
15. Shooting near/behind someone for no reason is grounds for you to be shot and isn't considered RDM.
16. You must have a typable and pronouncable name on a U.S. keyboard. If you do not, you will be kicked and asked to change your name.
17. Do NOT prop-push or prop-kill people. It is not RDM if they shoot/kill you for doing so and you will most definitely be banned.
18.There will be no treason against Rave. Anyone who opposes will be banned.
Other info:
this ban might be removed after contacting a appeal admin / Headadmin
this contact information is found in the page contacts.